I realize it's been like 20 something days since I last wrote, but things have been a bit hectic in my house of late. As I stated,in about 3 hours I'll be getting married down at the courthouse.
We were going to wait until he got back, but decided if we were going to do it already we wanted to do it now. Even amongst blow ups on how I don't sweep the floor the "right way" (the military way), how I'm not perfect (although I insist I AM), and the normal silly arguments,they never last long, and more importantly I usually win. He's a sucker for the blue eyes.
The girls are excited as can be. I'm not sure how his family feels, but they're all really nice and normal. That may be why I worry about being accepted into his family. Normal is one thing I'm not.
He leaves in fourteen days. Time has flown by too quickly.
This isn't much of a post, but I just thought I'd let you all know.
Peace out
Um. Oops.
15 hours ago