Monday, October 6, 2008


Saturday was alot of fun. We all laughed and drank around a fire (yes, I went there).

Sunday was not so great. I still can't stop crying so I'm not going to talk about it now. Just say a prayer for my family. Gi Joe got home from drill last night to deliver the bad news. Say a big prayer for him.

That's all I can do right now. The tears although cathartic, won't stop and yes, I'm at work :(


Laura said...

Oh, honey. I am so sad to hear this news. I promise to keep you, your kids, and your man, in my prayers.

Laurel (without Hardy) said...

Thanks Laura

Jason, as himself said...

Oh, no. I'm sorry. I'll be checking back soon to see how things are with you.

Laurel (without Hardy) said...

Thanks Jason :)

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

I'm sorry I haven't been around--finishing a project at work that made me feel guilty if I went off into blogland. I'll check in via email.

Laurel (without Hardy) said...

I'll tell you there