Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Values - I got tagged from The Jason Show :)

Six things I value:
  1. My family. From the closest - Jim and my girls all the way to my parents, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, you get the point. I love having a day surrounded by my family. It makes me happy (until they start getting on my nerves :)

  2. My friends. I don't have many, but the ones I have I've had for a while. It's not easy being my friend. Sometimes I'm a bit reclusive and I forget to call people. Them sticking by me means alot to me.

  3. Freedom. I'm grateful that I have freedom of speech. I'm grateful for freedom of choice. I'm looking forward to more states giving EVERYONE the right to marry the person they love. I am looking forward to this country becoming a better place to live.

  4. My job. I'm looking forward to going back to school soon. Once I can afford it. I don't make a sh*t load of money. We barely get by. But, we are getting by and alot of people aren't. That is something I'm thankful for.

  5. I value (I share this with Jason) time alone. Don't get me wrong, I love being with Jim and the girls, but everyone needs some quiet time. At least every six months right? One day to be selfish. To sleep in as late as I want, to curl up and read a good book, or maybe watch a good movie. I don't have many of those days, but I vaguely remember what they're like.

  6. I value the time I have left with Jim. 18 months is a damn long time. I will cherish each nano second from now till then.

Six things I don't value:

  1. I certainly don't value ignorant, bigoted, rude "people". I can't stand the people with the ugly bumper stickers like man +woman=marriage. That just makes me want to rear end you. How is that good? I can't stand the people that says Women don't have the right to make decisions over their own body. It makes me furious when people think torture is "ok". The list could go on forever. You catch my drift (Sarah Palin).

  2. I don't value the parents who don't take care of their kids. Mad asked if she could trick or treat with a friend. She said I won't even have to wear my costume, we're just going to put on short skirts, tank tops, and heels! Really, are you going to srsly dress your kid up as a hooker just so they think you're "cool"? Mad is 8, she thinks I'm cool because I can talk like a valley girl and I like project runway. I'm not going to let her dictate how she dresses (if it's not tasteful) just to be cool. Also, the ones that let their kids wander the neighborhood. I live in a nice neighborhood, but I don't let my kids outside without me. I know where the registered sex offenders live. I know they're out there. I could go on, but once again you catch my drift.

  3. I don't value bad drivers AT ALL. If you want to drive 20 miles under the speed limit, just pull over and let us get by damn it! Please, if you're going to make a turn, put on your BLINKER. I hate slamming on my brakes because you don't brake till the last second and then squeal your car into that turn. If you can't stay in your lane, don't drive. Again, you get what I'm saying.

  4. I don't value spam. I hate coming and opening my inbox after the weekend and having 498 spam messages. That's just the ones in my spam box. I have an additional 200 in my inbox. If I want to buy some sex toys, I'll just google it, okay?

  5. I don't value having to do other peoples' job. I wouldn't mind it if you said thanks, but I find this rarely happens.

  6. I don't value the grocery bagger at the grocery store putting meat in with my vegetables. I now do my own bagging, so back away from the produce!

Thanks to the fantastic Jason at The Jason Show for tagging me. I now have to tag six others.

The chosen ones are (I hope they actually read my blog to see this).

My friend at Ex-Everything

Laura at Piece of Cake

Kellan at On the Upside

Biddy at Biddy's World

Lula at Insane ramblings of Lula

Linda at Wit's end

Update: I screwed up the links, but they are all to the right of the screen. Sorry, I'm used to myspazz linkage and can't figure out how to do it properly here (with just the name linking to the site).

Sorry I'm stoopid :)


Anonymous said...

I don't value you calling yourself stoopid, cause you're not. But I do value the fact that you tagged me and I'll do it. In fact I might do it right now because I am freaking bored at work.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm too guilt ridden..I'll do it later ;-)

Laurel (without Hardy) said...

Why are you guilt ridden? I'm at work blogging and loving it. I'm trying not to listen to the neocon screaming about Obama taking his money. He doesn't make 250,000 a year. ugh.

He.won't.shut.up. I.want.to.scream.

Kellan said...

Great lists - I hate span too - and rude people!!

Thanks for tagging me - have a good evening - Kellan

Laurel (without Hardy) said...

Thanks Kellan,

Have a great night

Katy said...

I hear you, what IS IT with the baby hookers for Halloween???

And just because one tag isn't enough, I tagged you again. Feel free to ignore it though, I had a terrible time coming up with seven more things and my last tag was ages ago! We need new tag games. ;-)

Laurel (without Hardy) said...

Thanks Katy, I'll get to it some time today.

The baby hookers are horrendous. What's up with some of these moms these days? Ugh

Jason, as himself said...

YAY! Thanks for playing! Good stuff....

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Oooo I like all of yours. I haven't done mine yet and maybe I'll just link mine right to yours. All the driving stuff is soooo true. Those were fun.

Laurel (without Hardy) said...

Thanks Jason :)

Thanks Pumpkin :)